We are very pleased to inform you that we have received greatful awards named "Traveller review awards 2021" from "Booking.com" which is one of the most reliable worldwide hotel booking company.

We pride ourselves on the constant high word-of-mouth score of our facility throughout the year, as we continue to provide the hospitality our customers demand.

All the staff will continue to give the best memories to our customers. We will do our best. 

A description of "Traveller review awards 2021" from Booking.com

FYI: There are two " l " in " Traveller " because Booking.com uses British English.

We always welcoming you.

Good day from Minhong !


* *  Kataribe on the3.11 DENSHO ROAD video uploaded !  **

Message from 3.11 Densho Road Promotion Organization

" Kataribe on the3.11 DENSHO ROAD promotion video has been completed.
We are also creating a tour for everyone around the world to experience the "experiences, lessons learned, disaster preparedness, and the charm of Sanriku" that the storyteller conveys.
We are waiting for you at TOHOKU! "

What is 3.11 Densho Road ?




【 Participants Version 】


【 Kataribe Version 】
